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Our Solutions

We work together with nature, to create sustainable solutions in order to be used in different applications. Our products are offered under four segments being: Mushroom® Packaging, Grow-It-Yourself (GIY), ONE4 Packaging and Interiors. All of our products are biodegradable and 100% natural.


Mushroom® Packaging




ONE4 Packaging




Grow It Yourself

ONE4 Packaging


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About our other work

Mycelium is very versatile. So many things can be made with this new material. This has resulted in many requests from other industries to try and make products with us. Some examples:

  • Road Signposts: With the Dutch ministry of infrastructure, we have created and tested a fully biobased signpost, including the protective coating and the reflector. After the test, some improvement areas were found, which led to a second project commissioned by OostNL to make the second version of the signpost.
  • Mannequins. These are essential requirements in presenting a new fashion line, but unfortunately, all these mannequins are made of toxic plastic foams or composites. It was time to create something completely sustainable. Together with one of the biggest brands in the mannequin world we have grown the first prototype. Currently working on complexities like moving arms, legs and head…
  • Surfboards: the first mycelium surfboards are already out on the seas, and more of these sustainable boards means less plastic in the oceans!
Road Signpost of mycelium.

We are currently not taking on new projects in the building industry, but if you are interested in cooperation please leave your name and contact details here so we can contact you in due time.