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How Generation Alpha is shaping sustainable consumption
The next generation of consumers is here, and they are calling for real, lasting change. Generation Alpha, on track to...
(DE) Verpackung der Zukunft: Myzel
Erhalten Sie exklusive Einblicke, wie Myzel Verpackung hergestellt wird und warum es an der Zeit ist, auf herkömmliche...
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The hidden danger of plastics: urgent call for a shift to sustainable packaging
A recent study by Dr. Lukas Kenner, working at the Medical University of Vienna found something worrying: cancer cells might grow faster when they...
How to use the mycelium GIY kit: Tips, Tricks & Inspiration
Congratulations on exploring the fascinating and magical world of mycelium with your very own Grow It Yourself (GIY) Kit! If you're wondering where...
Recycling of Mycelium Products
Every day, without much thought, we throw away about 5 plastic packages. This might not seem a lot, but it adds up quickly and causes a big problem....
No Styrofoam, but Mushrooms: This Entrepreneur Makes Packaging from Mycelium
Article by Teun Schröder for Change Inc. Jan Berbee became "infected with the packaging virus" during his career. As a consultant for sustainable...
New rules for the sustainable packaging industry
We're in a time where packaging is changing a lot. Rules, like Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, are coming and consumers ask for...
How mycelium helps to reduce CO2 emissions
How can we help our Planet with Packaging? Mushroom® Packaging is highly functional, visibly stunning and eco-friendly: packaging made out of...